Monday, April 20, 2015

Who drives what?

        Both of these cars can be found on Tech's campus from time to time. From a quick glance, one can immediately distinguish the masculine car from the feminine car, but how? These are two objects with no biological organs for reproduction! So, again, how can you say one car is more feminine than another? Using my sociological imagination, the reason we so quickly assume inanimate objects are feminine or masculine is because gender has a huge significance in our society. The Mustang seems masculine due to its dark, blue hue. Also, the vehicle itself is powerful. Power is one the the qualities that a man in our society should have, so one would assume that the driver of the masculine car would also be male. In the bottom picture, you have a light green Ford Fiesta. One would think it's feminine from both the bright, light green color and its not so intimidating figure. Another word for "not so intimidating" is submissive, which is a quality we associate with being feminine.
        As for my question,"Who drives what?" you would assume that a man drives the old school Mustang, while a women drives the Ford Fiesta, but in reality, it is quite the opposite. A woman drives the Mustang and a man drives the Fiesta.This may give you a "huh?" moment, because our society has placed a major emphasis on gender and how to identify it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your post! I, would assume a man drives the Mustang and a woman drives the Fiesta. It's funny how we gender cars.
